Diamond Factory

2019 -01 -15 Mindset for Attracting New YL Members Into Your Team w/ Jen Springer & Tom Challan



All gung ho with New Year’s goals to rock your YL business in 2019? After Melissa Poepping’s call last week we got A TON of positive feedback & ideas. You wanted MORE support with attraction mindset that leads to prospects seeking YOU vs. you talking to 100’s of people and sponsoring nobody. How do you get the mental junk out of your trunk when you haven’t been able to rank up as you desire? You can dump the junk, it’s the only way you’re going to turn the success bus around for your business my friend. You see, there is a ‘feeling’ that happens inside your body when your YL business get into momentum. It’s like a buzzy high; everybody you talk to wants to join and people are showing up to your events. New members are seeking YOU out, you’re not doing the chasing. You’re magnetic and you may not even know exactly why. But, there is THAT TIME before the momentum high that feel more like finding hair in your soup or realizing your last bank deposit went to the wrong account and you’ve written 5 checks agains