Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Dumb Trucker Scammed



Dumb Trucker Scammed. Truckers that are lonely should think twice before engaging with companions on the internet. This is the story of a trucker that fell for a common scam. There are many scammers that will send you an email claiming to either have money or are in need of someone to rescue them. Its always the same result "Send Money" and usually "lots of money". I myself have received emails like "Im a prince in Nigeria and am trying to get out of my country" "The problem is I must come alone but have much money that they would confiscate if found" "The money is in the sum of $61,000,000. The only way for me to get it out of the country would be to have a United States Bank Account. Unfortunately I am not able to start an account from this end so here is how your assistance will come in. If I can wire the Sixty One Million Dollars to your account I would pay you 10% of the total amount for your services. I would need you to keep this in the strictest confidence and not reveal this to anyone. As you can se