The Transit Lounge With Mohamad Zaoud

S1E3: Dalia Mogahed | Muslim Engagement & The White House



There are few Muslims who can say they had a seat at the President's table, and Dalia Mogahed is one of those rare few. An Egyptian American at the forefront of Muslim Activism for over a decade, Dalia's journey has seen her lecturing at colleges, training law enforcement and eventually, advising the Obama Administration. We trace Dalia's life from a normal Egyptian American childhood to the banality of corporate life up until an event that radically changed the fabric of American society: 9/11. We dig deeper to uncover an inspiring mix of spirituality, hope, desperation and wisdom that drive Dalia to navigating the perplexing maze that is the life of an American Muslim. The Transit Lounge chronicles the journeys of people who’ve had a considerable impact on the Muslim world. In season 1, we hear from successful entrepreneurs, academics, scholars and politicians. Hosted by Mohamad Zaoud, each episode explores the highs and lows of our guests, and tackles the question of our time - what does it take to find ba