Foundations Of Amateur Radio

Reviewing the introduction of the Foundation License.



Foundations of Amateur Radio The history of the evolution of amateur licensing is a nebulous affair, told and re-told, moulded, changed and interpreted by the story tellers along the way. There is an on-going debate about how the restructure of the licensing regime in Australia, in 2005, has affected our hobby. In 2005, after a 10 month review period, three classes of license were established, a new Foundation class, an a re-imagined Standard and Advanced class, using existing novice and novice limited licenses to create the Standard class and combining limited, intermediate and unrestricted licenses into the Advanced class. I've touched on this subject before, back in 2011, when I noted that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The ACMA published the review in May of 2004. It summarises the responses about the introduction of the Foundation licensing option. It opens with, "Over two-thirds of submissions were in favour of the introduction". It goes on to say that the most common reason for