@ Percussion Podcast

112 - Mark Reilly



Joining us this week is The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps' snare drum section leader and percussion arranger Mark Reilly. In addition to his performance/military career, Mark regularly presents clinics on Swiss and American rudimental drumming, chairs the PAS Marching Committee, and has been involved in many Military Tattoos abroad.Watch here. Listen below. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element 0:00  intro and hello5:17  What's new, Mark?6:40  Taking the Corp overseas?  The Old Guard8:45  The Basel Tattoo?11:45  How do drum and fife traditions vary around the US, and the world?18:00  Starting very young.18:45  Casey: Ligeti and Fluxus35:19  International rudimental drumming scene?  Some of Mark's favorite drummers43:12  How did rudimental drumming spread?47:35  Megan: Company of Fifers and Drummers52:50  Competitions and what judges look for?  54:10  Experience