The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep #12: Taking the Leap with John Lee Dumas



    John Lee Dumas is the founder and the host of Entrepreneur on Fire. It is a top ranked business podcast, named “Best in iTunes” in 2013, that generates 450,000 unique downloads a month. On his show, he interviews inspiring and successful entrepreneurs 7 days a week. Inspiration: At the time John started his show, there had never been a podcast that interviewed an inspiring successful entrepreneur every day of the week. He knew there was a void that needed to be filled, and thus Entrepreneur on Fire was conceived. Challenge:  While seeking advice from others before the launch of the show, John was told countless times that a daily podcast would simply not work. Hearing that discouraging message from his mentors, he felt paralyzed with fear. He had to muster up the courage, put “blinders” on, and push through the resistance to get the podcast released... after delaying the launch date three times. Passion: John is super passionate about serving his amazing community. He loves listening to their needs and gi