The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep #18: Be Your Best You with Alex Changho



This week, we are pleased to welcome Alex Changho of Enrollment Dojo to the show. Alex helps entrepreneurs in martial arts industry grow their schools and streamline their business.  Inspiration: Since he was a kid, Alex knew that he would teach martial arts as it was a big part of his life. After partnering up with his instructor, Alex ran a martial arts school for 11 years. Eventually he realized that he wanted to make a bigger impact on the world and help others with what he had to go through as a martial arts school owner and an instructor. Challenge:  In the early days of Alex’s business, his main focus was primarily on selling tools to help martial arts entrepreneurs. The customers would subscribe to his service and not see any success. This persisted until Alex started helping his customers to work on their mindset and helping them to define their purpose. Having that experience helped Alex realize that creating and selling tools alone was not his calling. He figured out that his true purpose was to te