The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

ep #24 A Shift In Perspective with Michele PW



Inspiration: After job bouncing Michele realized that she was a freelancer and gave up on the idea that she needed to be employed to be successful. Challenge: Michele found that she actually created a job for herself, rather than a sustainable business. Feeling restless and losing all of her clients lead Michele to realize the biggest thing that needed to change was her. She asked herself how she could do things differently and forged new ground in the copywriting industry.  Passion: Michele is passionate about writing, her new podcast and... hot off the press... she is publishing her first novels, two psychological thrillers this year. Advice: Reading the Einstein quote, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting new results" and George Gastanza's model of doing everything opposite in a Seinfeld episode. Entrepreneurs Resource: Study other people success, to shortcut the process for yourself.  Blogs, Books & Podcasts: Walt Disney Biography Dan Kennedy Biography