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Dale Reviews 2 - BloodRayne



Suggested by: Jonathan Slater (for Geek IO video game month) (again)TITO Rating: 0.5 (out of 10)My interpretation of the plot: In this trope fest that features everything from speaking out notes, ketchup packs, cardboard-cutout dialogue and bad bleary flashbacks,  Rayne is the half-human half-vampire Dhampir and the lead attraction in a carnival's freak-show in Romania. When she some how transports to a strange land, she meets a fortuneteller that tells that her mother was raped by the king of the vampires Kagan and she decides to destroy her father.Back story: The film is meant to be based on the Majesco video game of the same name. This movie cost $25 million (what what was it spent on) and only made $1.5 million (approx) at the box office however it made $3.5 million in Home Entertainment sales (June 2006)Now for the review...In The Name Of The King but for a "different" video game. Like The name of the king you have bad editing, cardboard dialogue, and all of the tropes you know and love from 8