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Dale Reviews 5 - The Evil Dead



Sorry about the delay...I have been SUPPER BUSY!!Dale Reviews 5 - The Evil DeadSuggested by: Jarred ATITO Rating: 8My interpretation of the plot: In this cheesy film where a group of young people decide to go to for a weekend camping trip to a spooky place in the middle of the woods. One by one, each member of the group gets dragged to come to the dark side. Back story/Fun Fact: Because of the crew's inexperienced nature, filming was a "comedy of errors". The very first day of filming led to the crew getting lost in the woods during a scene shot on a bridge. Several crew members ended up getting injured during the shoot, and because of the cabin's remoteness, it made securing medical help very difficult.Now for the review....and I think that it's that comedy of errors and the cheese factor that makes this movie so enjoyable to watch. Now, I'm not a huge fan of this genre, so I didn't really pay attention to most of the second half of this film, however, some of tho