

Suggested by: Listener, Hawk484TITO Rating: 6My interpretation of the plot: A group of hackers build this super machine that manipulates people.Back story/Fun Fact: This picture explains this movie pretty well Now for the review....Yes I followed for this movie for the most part, yes there were moments that were a bit grey but it payed of (well for me at least) at the end. There still are face palm moments in this movie, but they handled the concept of the movie pretty well. Some other notes. Face palm moments include: The actors talking over each other. You know the budget was low when you have to steal parts for your computer from other people. Editing: DO SOME! Clean cuts are fine but not for every time. I could list all of the finer details all day, but I think they handled the actual scientific concept excellently and the fact some of the face palm moment are answered later in the