Geek I/o Podcast Network Master Feed!

Dale Reviews 13 - Bio-Dome



Suggested by: Rachel Boat (For Pauly Shore month)TITO Rating: 7.5My interpretation of the plot: Regular Pauly Shore formula but this time in a rain forest.  Back story/Fun Fact: N/ANow for the review....Basically, I enjoyed the smugness of this film but huge plot hole was unavoidable in this movie.Some other notes. PLOT HOLE: So they are in a perfectly controlled eco-system...first of all you don't have laughing gas, air-conditioning running throughout the dome, junk food in a natural environment, and there is a ton more!But I will say that Safety Dance is best working music ever. This movie wins the "Best Soundtrack" award for anything I have reviewed on this program. If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can email them directly to me at thechefwonder @ gmail . com (remove the spaces) or tweet them to me and huge thanks to CJ and the Geek IO crew for letting me release the trannies each and ever