Video Game Realness

Episode 9 – Gay She-Ra



The VG Realness group is almost reuinted. Michael, Greg and Cameron return to talk with Delvin about what else? Video Games. This week the crew discusses Pokemon X & Y pre-orders in Japan, Hello Kitty Cruisers for WiiU, EA Humble Bundle, more Xbox One-80s and the news that the system launch will be delayed in eight countries. Michael shares his #VGRealnessExy moment and the guys also talk about game developer harrassment, as well as player-to-player harrassment online. Show Notes: -Be sure to check out Delvin & James on the Qoopa Klub Podcast this week -Beauty and the Beast video -Starcraft MMO Kickstarter -Gay Dating Sim article on game developer harassment -Dolly Parton Pinball