Video Game Realness

Episode 22 – Zelda Time Warp



In the final episode of Video Game Realness for 2013, Greg, Delvin and Michael discuss the Zelda Timeline. The guys discuss the flow of the timeline and what might come next in the series. Check out the recent BuzzFeed post that breaks down the timeline as well with some nice visuals. ***Spoiler Alert in the Podcast*** For the Zelda Timeline, we do discuss the endings for each game EXCEPT A Link Between Worlds. So if you haven't beaten the others and don't want it spoiled, please skip this section. In the rest of the podcast, the guys discuss the news of the week, including console sales numbers, Tales of Zestiria and and a light dash of Rayman shade, because they just can't resist. All this and more on the final 2013 episode of Video Game Realness! The show will return the week of January 5th, 2014. (Also, we did have a giveaway planned, but due to some technicalities and limitations being in Canada and most listeners from the US, we will need to postpone the giveaway until we've worked it out at a later