Chip's Tips

Walls To Witnessing



It used to be at a time where I could I could lay back in the swimming pool close my eyes and just be so content and happy and just load around all day really then in these the kids came along and now a trip to the pool no longer restful. It is no longer a experience to be enjoy for me. It is it is a terrorizing. Just agonizing experience because I can't close my eyes in the swimming pool if my daughter is there. Most of you were parents yes I understand that but you know people say you know ___ to that touch joy your lives but not at the swimming pool. At the swimming pool children destroy all joy but my the way I used to it analyzed swimming pool in the day of swimming was how big is the pool how deep is the pool and how warm it is outside well that's where I used to look at. Now the only consideration that I have when I evaluate the swimming pool are the lifeguard. It's the only thing I can think of when I when I go.