Chip's Tips

Forgiveness - Week 4



There are sometimes when it's hard to understand Jesus. Not just ___ he did it but sometimes the things that he said are very difficult for us to understand there be sets of things like it'd be easier for a Campbell to go to the eye of a needle that will be then for a rich man to get in the heaven and you know it's confusing. I've heard totally a half a dozen different sort of interpretations and what Jesus was what Jesus meant when he said that and there you know a lot of them a lot of sins but we have to interpret something like that it doesn't on space(?) just make a lot of sense to it. He said things like you have to give up if you're gonna follow and be my disciple. You have to sell everything you own you have to give up all of your earthly possession and we look the handful of people pushes ___. Is that really what it's called as is and it doesn't miss