Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves



Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves. Is trucking etiquette missing from trucking today? What are some pet peeves that drivers have? Recently I read a post on Facebook by a trucker that listed companies that made sense. Are you trucking on the highways today? Do you move over for broke down truckers? That is very much part of Trucking Etiquette! Courtesy towards other drivers on the road shows that you have learned how to be a professional driver. Knowing how to drive and maneuver a semi truck and trailer does not make you a trucker. A real trucker is a person man or woman that knows how to be courteous and safe around the motoring public. A real trucker goes almost unnoticed by people all day long. Most people on the road don't really y even notice how many truckers they are around in just a short trip to the store and back. Thats because most truckers are very Courteous  to the point that you are not alarmed of any danger when they are near by. The obnoxious and inconsiderate dr