Live Better, Give Better

Trying out Energetic Self Care - Minisode



Following on from the podcast and video with Rebecca Kane about how kinesiology and energetic self care can help you life a better life, I decided to spend a couple of weeks following her advice and trying it all out and share it with you guys as a minisode. Some of what she suggests in her programme seemed a little too woo woo for me at first, but as I share in the podcast minisode, I've found it really helpful and have embedded it into my daily routine. Check out the podcast minisode and don’t forget that Rebecca is offering listeners her Energetic Self Care Programme which will help you to bring yourself into energetic balance, set boundaries and feel great. Grab it for just $30, with at least 50% of the proceeds going to’s recommended charities (the rest just goes into promoting and helping us reach more people who want to live a better life AND give a better life). Things to check out after today’s minisode: Head over to iTunes to subscribe to the show and