Blue Falcon Podcast

Blue Falcon Podcast Episode 8



Despite all the business, the Pit Crew is back with another jam-packed episode of video game goodness.What happened to the September episode you say?  Find out by listening to this episode!We tackle the news of Super Mario Maker, Metal Gear Solid V, video games at the cinema and more.  We also answer your questions about what the most comfortable controller EVER was, as well as introducing a new question about the holiday release schedule.Our Pit Crew Picks are our top five favorite "spooky" games to go along with the Halloween theme.  Let us know if you agree or disagree with our selections.In Shop Talk we discuss the possibilities of Apple's TVos, Native Instruments' STEMS format, and the implementation of Visual Studio with Unity.As always, please contact us for updates, answers to our questions, and general out our page as well: www.bluefalconpitcrew.