Preliminary Health Care Podcast

Eating Less and Exercising More = Disordered Eating



The most common weight-loss advice is to “eat less & exercise more” (ELEM). On a very playground toy sort of way, this can make sense: something must become of the food you eat, either it is expended or stored; if you don’t expend as much as you eat, then, it must be stored. The problem, though, is that your body’s management of energy is far too complex to be explained in this simple teeter-totter model. The actual physiology as to why/how is riddled throughout the site (check out the bottom of the page for related articles) as well as in our full Fat-Loss eBook (Dec 1, 2014), but briefly: It’s incorrect to assume that fat-cells are some passive dump-sites for excess fuel, or that physical activity is necessarily fueled by leaking fat-cells. Rather, fat-cells have a unique physiology which must be understood in order to determine why fat-cells are reduced and how you can affect that…and it has little to do with how much you eat/exercise! But even if fat-cells did work this way, your body has countless redu