Lead Through Strengths

What to expect from this podcast - what's in it for you?



If you’re tired of schlepping your tired, uninspired-self to the office, you need to take action. In this “what’s in it for you” episode of the Lead Through Strengths podcast, you’ll find out what to expect from us.   This episode is all about sharing with you the vibe of the show, what to expect, and how I got to you as your host.   First, let’s talk about you Do you do your daily commute, slug into cubicle land, and wonder to yourself why you’re still doing what you’re doing?   If that’s you, you’re in the right place.  You have big ol’ giant dreams …and you have big kid bills and heavy obligations that seem to play against your big goals.   So if you’re still trackin’….big dreams for financial success and happiness at the same time…yet you’re just not there yet, keep on listening because you’re not alone. This is your hub to learn how to discover and apply your unique strengths at work.   The structure of the show You’ll either get Q&A style where your career questions are answered. Those ep