Action In Solitude

Episode 1 – Yoni Geffen



Welcome to the first audio episode of Action in Solitude. The goal of the show is to have guests from pro athletes, to outdoor industry professionals, to musicians and artistes come join us for extended, yet relaxed interviews. For the first episode I sat down with an old friend, Yoni Geffen. Yoni Geffen hails from Denver, Colorado. We first met through a mutual friend of ours, Jonah. All three of us expressed interest in starting an organization that took underprivileged students rock climbing. So we did it! Our combined resources and professional training allowed us to reach a large number of students in a relatively short amount of time. Unfortunately, our paths went in different directions and the organization fizzled out. Yoni, unlike Jonah and I, kept pursuing our shared vision and co-founded Adventure Forward, a non profit organization that provides students from diverse, low-income backgrounds equal access to outdoor-based experiential and character-focused learning opportunities with the support of