Diamond Factory

2018 - 9-24 Platinum Stacy Tiegs On Finding Freedom Through Young LivingMonday Night Webinar



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR 2018-9-24 Platinum Stacy Tiegs on Finding Freedom Through Young Living Know people who would be PERFECT for the Young Living business BUT they are super busy and already successful? It’s easy to judge someone by thinking, “She wouldn’t be interested, she has so much going on and has her own rockin’ career”. It’s easy to judge a book by its cover, but you just never know what is going on behind the scenes of someone’s life. YL Platinum Stacy Tiegs will be on this Monday's call. Prior to starting her Young Living business, she appeared to have a perfect life on the exterior but desperately needed a way to get her time, finances, and family back. She was working 70-80 hours a week in storefront business and her credit cards were maxed out beyond maxed out. She needed a life preserver; Young Living came along at the perfect time because she was at her wits end living life hanging by a thread. This Monday you’ll learn: How to approach the person who appears