Digital Sandwich

Digital Sandwich #26 - 3 Men



On today’s podcast our dynamitic trio tell us a few hilarious tales of what’s been going on in their week. Quinn mentions his lady woes, Nick informs us of the recent happenings at his ‘bible study group’ he calls work place and Mandy…well, her part doesn’t really matter as she’s going to be replaced next week by a newer and better friend for Quinn & Nick. Sorry you had to find out this way. But its out there now…. so…. you’re move. BUT! Fear not because we have a website where you’re fans (all of three probably, you’re not that popular) can donate to help you get that air con you so sorely deserve. Enclosing, thank you for listening in on the podcast. Interviews are starting today at 3:30PM Eastern time. See you cowboys & cowgirls next time! Follow Digital Sandwich on Twitter: Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes:…d1025344950?mt=2 Show Notes: Twitters: Mandy: Nick: twitter --- Support