Nion Radio With Nick Onken

147: Staying Creative and Paying Your Bills



"The game of money making and staying creative has always been the challenge of the artist's journey." We know the feeling of that amazing burst of inspiration. It's the feeling we live for as artists, when the muse strikes and it's effortless, and we feel energized and ready for whatever comes next. But the feeling many artists know probably even better is the feeling when we can't find the time, juggling the maintenance of our business or whatever banal life activities we need to do to stay afloat. On today's episode, we're going to talk about how we don't have to wait for that inspiration to strike, or for that perfect time to appear before us. We're talking about how to stay creative as an artist and entrepreneur, even when times are tough and we don't seem to have an ounce of motivation. I go over five tips for staying creative and how they have worked for me through my artistic journey, and how you can apply them to your life, no matter where you are in yours. Like Pablo Picasso once said, “Inspiratio