Starting Point

Beautiful Music and Ugly Statues



Before the craziness of PAX South descends upon us, Brian and Corey take a moment to touch on an important topic: the role of music and sound direction in video games.  Join us on a quest as we go from the latest games like Dragon Age: Inquisition back to the 8-bit era and back again.  We also discuss the statue Blizzard sent to World of Warcraft's most loyal customers.  Found here.  Spoilers: one of us thinks it's ugly and the other thinks it's awesome. You probably cannot guess who's who.  You'll just have to listen.What kind of video game music do you love?  Was there something we missed in our discussion?  Should there really be a #TeamCorey?  Let us know in the comments below, on iTunes or tweet at the podcast, Corey, or Brian.