Escape The Matrix

#15 JEDI Copywriting Secrets



The major difference between sites that convert and make huge money and those that don’t is copy writing. Ever wonder what makes the difference between the millions of boring, non producing websites splattered all over the web, and the sites that seem to hypnotize visitors and almost force them to grab their credit cards and buy? Well, the major difference between sites that convert and make huge money and those that don’t is copy writing. And luckily, you don’t need to be a Joe Vitale, or hire a $5,000 per page writer to create amazing copy. In this post we are discussing all things copy writing, and providing three distinct and extremely cool resources on copy writing. The second resource is an article by David Frey, written a few years ago on copy writing, called the 12 Step Foolproof Sales Letter. And to give credit where credit is due, you can learn more by Mr. Frey at his excellent blog, here. The second item are the notes from a 2 day workshop that Kimball Roun