Literary Lark

Ep 11 – 2015 Year in Review Plus Rant!



It's the end of 2015 and this podcast episode is reflecting on what happened over the course of the year. Most of this episode looks at highs and lows throughout the year. Starting at the beginning of the year with my free ebook strategy and then finishing off the year with my first big giveaway on the website. Overall I'd say the year has been good but it's definitely getting harder to remain optimistic about writing and self-publishing. You can probably already tell that this isn't my usual advice-heavy episode. I do get into a rant at points but I feel it's necessary to get some things off my chest about strategies in self-publishing that are floating around the Internet causing frustration and confusion for new writers. It's not all doom and gloom though. I do have some lofty goals for 2016. One of which is a new Patreon campaign that I'm hoping will give me support for the