Penrose Vs. Anybody

The Art Of Originality



Today we discuss Originality in its Highest intent. Where does it come from, is anything ever original anymore, how do you use your originality. I choose and discuss with BJ my top points regarding originality. 1) Have a Foundation 2) Present yourself not just your art 3) Be able to take criticism 4) Build and Interact 5) Breathe. Originality is key to success a key to life and a key to knocking off the heads of your "competition". "Back Of the Metro Times"- Flint Water Crisis. BJ tells a touching moment he personally had to deal with during the crisis while actually in Flint. Also realize population control and gentrification is in full effect. "Less Than/ Greater Than" Joe Budden vs Migos and why we dislike it lol Bad Boy '95 Vs Death Row '96 #DontThrowRocksAtUs #CouchPartyCrew IG: @penroseeames @dergobj @penrosevsanybody #DerGoRosé