Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

Getting There: Gillian Zoe Segal



Gillian Zoe Segal faced many closed doors as she was collecting the interviews she needed for her most recent book, “Getting There.” Instead of giving up, she looked for a window to climb though--all while being persistent, yet polite.  Gillian’s example teaches us that when courage fails us, we can gain strength from those who inspire us by remembering that every success story involves a struggle of some kind. Gillian conducted interviews with some of the biggest names in business, music, and fashion with the specific purpose of demystifying the illusion that successful people have had everything handed to them on a silver platter. In fact, Gillian found that in most cases, the very opposite proved to be true. She consolidated these stories and pearls of wisdom into a book of mentors to pass on to others -- most notably, her own daughter. Although she never had a mentor herself, Gillian forged a path where there was no trail so that those who read her book would feel less alone on their own path towards thei