Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

Overcoming Trauma: Trina Laughlin



Trina Laughlin has been a clinical social worker for twenty plus years specializing in trauma therapy. She specializes in helping others find their way from the darkness of loss to what can feel like rays of hope. And, here’s the thing about Trina...trauma isn’t something she studies from afar--she’s lived it, too. Back in 2007, two days before Christmas, her twenty two year-old son died unexpectedly. In order to process and cope with her loss, she began writing about the many layers of her grief, the unspeakable emotion of it all--and her writing eventually became a book that she calls, “Season of the Fallen Sun.” Trina reminds us that there is hope beyond even the most excruciating emotional pain, and that we need other people to help put us back together when our lives feel shattered.  Trina is a powerful reminder that when we try to shut off or shut down our pain, we end up closing off our capacity to experience joy as well.