Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

Who is Siri: Susan Bennett



Susan Bennett is someone that everyone of us knows but we may not know why. She answers our questions, helps us with directions, and when we can’t figure out that song on the radio, she’s there to solve the mystery. While we’re all familiar with Siri, most of us have never met the Oz behind the curtain, so to speak. In this episode, we have the honor of hearing from Susan Bennett--arguably, the world’s most well-recognized voice-over artist. And while her voice is heard all over the world, she opens up to us today about how she’s learned to navigate her career in the entertainment industry as an introvert, and why she decided to go public with the voice we all know. Susan reminds us that we all have our own path to walk, and no one can live our lives for us. The best we can do is be generous with one other and give back in some way because we all have some something in our lives that challenges us.