Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

"Liespotting": Pamela Meyer



Pamela Meyer has become the national expert on "Liespotting."  Whether in business, life, or in any of our relationships, a lie can destroy our foundation of trust and leave us skeptical and wary. Our current political climate is a prime example. While most of us are very aware of the importance of telling the truth, we might not always be able to recognize even a big fat lie when we hear one or see one because as much as we want to believe the best about others, the cold hard truth is that we all have the ability to lie in small and large ways.  So if the truth is as important to you as it is to me...our next guest is here to share her findings and some tips for us.  Bestselling author, Harvard MBA, CEO, entrepreneur, top twenty Ted Talk presenter and speaker Pamela Meyer brings us behind the scenes today on what to look for before we're left feeling had.  Her curiosity about the psychology behind lying eventually led her to write what became the NYT's bestselling book, “Liespotting,” and she’s here to share