Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 168 This game is Dead Last! With Matthew Jude



Ep. 168: This game is Dead Last! With Matthew Jude   What we have been playing! (Matthew) Tabletop Sim (7 Wonders Duel) Topic: Stuff Tell us about your podcast This Game Is Broken! What is it like being part of a board game show that’s more about entertainment and Comedy than information? You guys have had some awesome live shows how was that? How did you start up with the dice Tower and Dead Last? So you’ve been recently hitting up the convention circuit how has your experience been traveling to different conventions in the US and UK? What do you think sets each convention apart? If you had to pick one convention as your favorite which would it be? At Dice tower con and we got you to play a miniatures game and then at Gen Con I talked to you about D&D for almost a hour! How is Epic Gaming Night corrupting your gaming tastes!? Lol Are there other gaming genres that you wish you knew more about? Your co-hosts do lots of live game plays on YouTube and twitch. What are your thoughts on streaming games? Do