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[INSPIRE 15] JOHN DURANT - HOW ANCIENT WISDOM HELPS US THRIVE! Motivation | Spirituality | Paleo Manifesto | Self-Help



If you’ve ever struggled with your health or diet, wondering why in the world you keep getting colds, cavities, or a few extra pounds despite doing everything you can to take care of yourself, OR if you’ve ever struggled to maintain your energy through the day - despite cup after cup of bulletproof coffee, then THIS is the interview for you! Today we interview John Durant, a modern caveman, bio-hacker and life-hacker, and author of the outrageously popular Paleo Manifesto. We’ll talk about what’s Paleo, why the name has such a bad wrap, and why the caveman diet and nutrition, just may be for us. We’ll discuss it’s biological origins, zoo animals, ancient man, Harvard evolutionary biologists, the Torah, Bible and Moses, and perhaps everything but the Ten Commandments. We’ll learn why we may have been so much healthier BEFORE the agricultural revolution, but why it’s not too late to turn back the clock and get healthier now. It’ll be a fascinating look at our health, and why our diets aren’t serving us. We’ll l