Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 163 Samurai Starships and Guardians with Isaac and Callin



Ep. 163: Samurai Starships and Guardians with Isaac and Callin   Topic: Plaid Hat Games Tell us a little bit about samurai starships! What are some of the mechanics of the game? Tell us a little bit about the setting and the theme behind the game? What would you say was your biggest influence designing the game? What was the most difficult thing about designing samurai starships! What anime would you love to design a game around? Callin tell us all about guardians! Tell us about the mechanics of guardians! Like most Plaid Hat Games is there a rich theme and story to the background of the game? What was it like being a first-time game designer? What were some of your biggest influences designing the game? Is this a standalone game or should we expect to see more? Specter Ops: Broken Covenant is out! Is there anything else you want to talk about from Plaid Hat Games? Ashes Expansions soon Clans Clans decks (Feather, Leaf, Shadow, Fang, Light, Fire) July is going to be crazy for announcements Issac got an exc