Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2005 [audio] Presentations From The Security Conference

Joseph Klein: The Social Engineering Engagement Methodology - A Formal Testing process of the People and Process



The security of an organization is composed of technology, people and processes. In the last few years, many organizations have done a good job addressing technology but have focused very little on the people and processes. This presentation reviews the formal methodology for performing Social Engineering Engagements. The method is divided into four sections including the Pre-Engagement, Pre-Assessment, Assessment and Post-Assessment. The Pre-Engagement, is the sales process for performing the assessment. In this section, we will review the business justification and headlines of current attacks. Pre-Assessment if focused on identifying the scope of the project, limitation, targets and attack vectors. Also included are examples of what information must be gathers for use in the assessment and post assessment phase. The most interesting and tedious part is the actual assessment. In this section, we will discuss how to engage the target, utilize company information, how to achieve the goal and what