Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2005 [audio] Presentations From The Security Conference

Robert W. Clark: Legal Aspects of Computer Network Defense-A Government Perspective and A Year in Review Important Precedents in Computer and Internet Security Law 2004 - 2005



This presentation looks at computer network defense and the legal cases of the last year that affect internet and computer security. This presentation clearly and simply explains (in non-legal terms) the legal foundations available to service providers to defend their networks. Quickly tracing the legal origins from early property common-law doctrine into today's statutes and then moving into recent court cases and battles. This presentation will quickly become an open forum for questions and debate. Major Robert Clark is the Command Judge Advocate for the Army', 1st Information Operations Command. As the sole legal advisor, his primary duty is to advise the Army's Computer Network Operations Division on all aspect of computer operations and security. This role has him consulting with the DoD Office of General Counsel, NSA, and DoJ Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. He lectures at the Army',s Intelligence Law Conference and at the DoD's Cybercrimes Conference.