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Are You Writing Blog Post Titles Correctly?



Ever wonder why you're not getting Google traffic? You need better Blog Post Titles! Learn the trick to getting more clicks to your blog! Wanna get more of that beloved search engine traffic? You need better blog post titles! Whether that traffic comes from Google, Bing, Yahoo or even Pinterest (because it's a search engine - NOT a social media), then you've got to write better post titles.  Why? Because no matter how great your information or idea is, unless you can catch someone's eye in a fraction of a second while they're scrolling quickly to find what they're looking for, then you're going to get left out. Think of it like this: If you see a dozen kind of donuts in a case - your eye will immediately be drawn to the one that looks the most delicious. You may love apple fritters, but if the hot pink donut with sprinkles has stolen your attention, you may not even realize that the mediocre looking apple fritters in the last slot on the bottom row are there. So you've missed out on something great, only