American Journal Of Gastroenterology - Author Podcasts

New Practice Guidelines on Achalasia-A Podcast with Michael F. Vaezi, MD, FACG, John E. Pandolfino, MD, and Marcelo F. Vela, MD



Michael F. Vaezi, MD, FACG, John E. Pandolfino, MD, and Marcelo F. Vela, MD, co-authors of the American College of Gastroenterology's new Clinical Guideline on the Diagnosis and Management of Achalasia published in the August issue of AJG, talk with co-Editor Dr. Paul Moayyedi about the incidence, prevalence, and diagnosis of this disorder; the best treatment options-including myotomy, pneumatic dilatation, and botulinum toxin-according to achalasia subtype and patient age, gender, and preference; as well as the long-term outlook and risks for achalasia patients after successful therapy.