Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 153 Marvel Madness!



Ep. 153: Marvel Madness!   News: Tabletop day Dogmight’s new kickstarter New crystal clans! Shadow, Fang, Leaf and Feather Clans What we have been playing!? (Roy) Shards of Infinity, City of Kings (Rob) Ta-Da!, Wits and Wagers, Sheriff of Nottingham (Matt) Dinosaur Island Topic: Marvel Madness! What are some marvel themed board games? Marvel Legendary X-Men Revolution Heroclix Codenames: Marvel Marvel Heroscape What is your favorite marvel character? (Roy) Wolverine (Rob) Omega Red, Juggernaut (Matt) Punisher/ Moon Knight Which of the MCU movies is your favorite? (Roy) Guardians of the Galaxy (Rob) Thor Ragnarok (Matt) Thor Ragnarok If you could make a marvel themed board game what would it be? Theme & mechanics? It seems like there are tons of marvel games coming down the pipeline that were announced recently. Which ones are you most interested in? Is there a marvel game that you wish you could play that you haven’t yet? Overpower Infinity wars hype! Thanks so much to all of our