Services - First Christian Church Of Tacoma

#23 March 24, 2016 - Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service



The Service of The Tenebrae is an adaptation of an early fourth century service traditionally sung during Holy Week.  It is a meditation on the shadows that gradually grew darker and finally enveloped Christ in darkness as he journeyed towards the Cross. The service is therefore in a restrained and solemn mood. Readings from scripture are interspersed with music and periods of silence.  It features the gradual extinguishing of candles, symbolic of the abandonment of Jesus by the disciples, the approach of the hatred of Jesus' enemies, and the resentment of the world, leading to the final isolation of Jesus on the cross.  The moment of darkness recalls the hours of death's despair and hopelessness.  The lighting of the Christ candle points ahead to the Easter soon to dawn.