Perky Perspectives

Season Finale: Your Path



Agenda: Have you ever wondered Introduction Black History Month Choosing our paths Defining our lives Overstanding of Self Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you could press reset just one time? You get to decide when in life you press reset, and everyone knows that this option is available. Would you press it? What part of your life would you go back to if you could? Introduction: Hey this is Perky of Perky Perspectives. Hope everyone has been enjoying this Love Period journey with me. I would like to ask yall to support my patreon campaign at With your support I hope to become more mobile with my podcast and eventually hold events and be able to start providing more period products to young girls and women. AND support women who are creating more products and opportunities for women (period). I will be ending the first season soon, but I have behind the scenes video, photos, and livestreaming on my page. Also, I am working on a new series that will be calle