Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 151 Crystal Clans with Colby Dauch



Ep. 151: Crystal Clans with Colby Dauch   Topic: Crystal Clans! Tell us about the newest game from Plaid Hat Crystal Clans! What did the dynamic of the design team look like when creating Crystal Clans? Plaid Hat puts a lot of emphasis on theme in your games. Can you tell us a little about the world behind Crystal Clans? The initiative system is definitely one of the unique mechanics about Crystal Clans. Can you tell us about the design behind the initiative system? There are six different clans in the game can you tell us a little bit about the difference in the clans? How do you approach special ability design when designing a game like this? What does the development process look like when balancing this kind of game? If you had to pick one clan which would you say is your personal favorite? Is there a specific clan match up that you would suggest people start with for their first game? The rule book talks about eventual clan customization in future releases? Can we assume more Crystal Clans is on the hor