Super Heroic: A Show About Comic Book Movies & Tv Shows!

Episode #155: The Infinity Wars Are Closer Than We Think!



Episode #155: The Infinity Wars Are Closer Than We Think! is READY for download! Super Heroic, a Podcast about Comic Books that evolve into Movies and TV Shows is live and ready for you to consume! If you are a fan of Comic Books and you find yourself watching the Movies and TV Shows based on your favorite Heroes and Villains, well then this is the Podcast for you! This week Mick Montgomery is joined by Spencer Downey, and Darrell Goodwin to talk about the new Avengers Infinity Wars Release Date and the latest news about the Wonder Woman Sequel! PLAYER The Daily Download RDJ and MCU twitters let us know we get Infinity War sooner than expected! Cloak and Dagger trailer and release date! Patty Jenkins spills some beans on Wonder Woman 2, Kristin Wigg might be Cheetah The Pull! Holy Crap! Comic Books are awesome! This week we have some books and trades you should check out! Thanks so much for checking out our show! You folks are awesome! If you enjoyed the show, please, head on over to iTunes or Stitcher a