Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 03 ~ Ava Adinolfi ~ An Embodied Life



Contact Shannon Ledford  Visit www.honorthefeminine.comEmail ~ honorthefeminine@gmail.com            Ava Adinolfi is an embodiment coach, a dancer, a dream weaver, a teacher, and a body-awakener who speaks in the language of movement and energy. Helping women create more flow and ease within their body and their life; she gives women permission to be in their bodies and embody the​ir feminine and sensual essence.​ Ava believes that our body is the portal to our essence, our truth, and that we can access its great beauty through movement. Dancing for over 20 years and teaching for 10, Ava believes in always being a student and has most recently sought out the humbling experience of learning Hula and Tahitian dance as she taps back into her inner beginner. She would love to play and move with you. You can connect with her at www.avaadinolfi.com/embodiedmovement or via email at support@avaadinolfi.com .   Mary Magdalene Oracle Deck ~ link for Amazon ~ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157281523X/ref=as_li_qf_sp_a