Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep. 07 ~ Alicia Goldberg ~ Goddess Guide



www.honorthefeminine.com Alicia is an artist, wife and women’s sacred circle holder who is more at home amongst trees, rocks and mud than she is in an air conditioned cubicle. After going through multiple transformations in her own life and rediscovering her innate power, she is passionate about nurturing and empowering women to create a life they can fall deeply in love with as well. Alicia is the founder and of Celebrating the Divine Feminine (www.aliciagoldberg.com): A place to pay reverence to our majestic Mother Earth, learn to embody the Goddesses, and recognize some really special Superwomen who are making a big difference in the world! Alicia leads a monthly Goddess Circle to create a space for women to experience sisterhood, be introduced to Goddesses, and learn to embody, feel and realize their own Divine Feminine energies. Alicia’s joyful, grounding, and intuitive nature creates an environment for women to have fun while experiencing deep transformation. Her latest endeavor is the Sacral Chakra Imm