Bathtalk With Jade & Kidder Kaper

BTW #046 Kidder and Jade Record a Surprise Episode!



Download the Show Now! Sorry for the low audio quality. We weren’t really expecting to record an episode but since our conversation got pretty interesting we decided to use it, Enjoy, or not. From outta nowhere, Jade and Kidder take a bath and talk about everything and nothing in particular. Kidder when back to Facebook after years for no good reason. What’s a cis white male and why is there so much angst when one of them has or shares an opinion? We’re living in a time when saying the wrong word, regardless of intent, or contents can get you in a lot of trouble as we discuss the controversy around YouTube sex educator, Laci Green. - Kidder says the word, “Tranny.” …end quote and context. :P Mansplaining is explained and it sexist because it compares an individual to stereotypes of their gender instead of judging the person as an individual. We on the left are angry and our anger is not helping us win anything. It is further emboldening our opponents and causing splits and divisions among ourselves. We