Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

CU Constructive - Crazy University Week 2



CU Constructive - Crazy University Week 2 It is so easy in the crazy world we live in to throw up our hands, whine about how tough it is, and mope over how difficult and depressing life can be. Not only is that easy to do but you can usually find others who will join you in your misery...well, because after all...misery loves miserable company. But in the middle of the mess around you is it possible to be an agent of change? Is it possible that you might be a person who is known as one who builds things up instead of tearing them down? Does the call of Christ call us to be constructive or destructive in the crazy world we live in? When others see you do they C U Constructive? The call to follow Jesus gives us some resources that we are to use to build the kingdom around us. His Love and His Gifts are given freely to us and they allow us to build. Get ready to discover how God wants to use you to build His kingdom in an out of control world.