Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

A Guppy In A Puddle Creating Ripples: Choosing A New Habit



A Guppy In A Puddle Creating Ripples: Choosing A New Habit – MOVE (Session Eleven) Topics/Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:13-18, Stability or Instability, wisdom Summary: Have you ever wanted life to be clearer? Have you ever wanted to know that your life was on track and making a difference? You can…really…you can. As we continue our series on learning to MOVE we build on all of the things we have been talking about and discover that wisdom can be ours. Do we need it? You bet…do we want it? Some do…some say they do…and some have no clue… In this study we discover that wisdom is there and living with wisdom will change everything.